Write For Cloverport.com!

Have an article you would like to see put on Cloverport.com? Send it in right here! Once you send in your article, we will review your post and it may be featured on Cloverport.com!

Things To Keep In Mind

  1. Make sure it is appropriate! If you write an article that is inappropriate, it will not be published. Remember, we have people of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds reading!
  2. Provide your real name and email! We need your email so that if we want to make slight changes to your writing, we can get your approval, or so that if your submission gets published, we can let you know to look for it!
  3. All articles become property of Cloverport.com if published.
  4. Cloverport.com reserves the right to make the determination on whether or not an article is published.

What We are Looking For

  1. Cloverport Events/Event Reviews
  2. News concerning or involving the citizens of Cloverport
  3. Interesting and well cited history
  4. Other things that the citizens of Cloverport need or may want to know

Why We Need Your Help

The city of Cloverport has a long and rich history. Unfortunately, until this website came along, there has been no central, easily accessible way to get to what happened. We strive to inform the cities citizens of what is going on in their town, and any person who wants the information as well. However, we also strive to inform all future citizens. As of now the way you get information on the city is scattered publishings, or maybe an elder. We don’t want it to be this way for the generations to come. We need your help bringing all the information to one place.


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